Care Sheets

Watering Pots

Posted by Fitzroy Nursery on

These are a few general rules to follow to keep your pot plants happy and healthy: 1. The most important rule to follow is to always water until you see the water running from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. This ensures that you have soaked the core of the root ball. 2. Water slowly and watch the water soak into the soil. 3. Plants in pots will dry out quickly. It is important to maintain adequate soil moisture for pot plants to look their best. If you have let your plants dry out too much fill...

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Lemon Trees & Other Citrus

Posted by Fitzroy Nursery on

Citrus are shallow rooted trees that like good drainage & plenty of sun. they will grow in most soils except poorly drained, wet ones...

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Dendrobium Orchids

Posted by Fitzroy Nursery on

Dainty orchids native to the East coast of Australia. Dendrobium kingianum hybrids are exceptionally easy to grow in Melbourne. Position Tolerant of extremes of temperature but protect from the hot afternoon sun and heavy frost. Best grown out doors in Melbourne in a position that receives morning sun or is partially shaded. Flowering will be reduced in heavy shade. Suitable for indoors while flowering. Can be grown on the branches of trees, on bark or in rockeries. Watering Keep moist at all times during the warmer months. Can tolerate a moderate amount of winter dryness. Fertilising Apply liquid fertiliser during...

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Posted by Fitzroy Nursery on

To maximise flower production, use a liquid fertiliser (such as Debco liquid plant food) fortnightly throughout the flowering period...

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Posted by Fitzroy Nursery on

Bonsai began in China as the collecting of naturally stunted trees from the wild to grow in shallow dishes. The hobby was quickly adopted by the Japanese who are now the masters of this ancient art. The general idea is to recreate, in miniature form, a mature tree as it might be found in nature. Taking care of bonsai is relatively easy and a lot of fun. A well cared-for Bonsai can last a lifetime. Position Bonsai are essentially outdoor plants, requiring a position open to all aspects of the weather - fresh air, sun and rain. In summer, Bonsai...

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