Pet-Safe Indoor Plants
Which houseplants are safe for my pets?
Here at Fitzroy Nursery our plants are our pets. But if you’re the kind of person that dotes on your moggie or pampers your pooch, then we want you to be able to enjoy pets of the green-and-leafy kind as well. People often ask us which indoor plants can safely cohabit with their furry friends. Plants have evolved over millions of years to produce all kinds of biochemical deterrents to prevent them being munched out of existence by animals. Unfortunately some of these compounds can make your pets sick. There’s a lot of conflicting and unreliable information online, so we’ve based our list of the best pet-safe indoor plants on the latest information on the RSPCA and ASPCA Poisonous Plants lists.
Our Top 10
These plants are generally considered pet-safe. Remember that, just like some people are allergic to bananas and nuts, your pet may react to certain plants differently to other pets. It’s always safest to prevent your pet eating large quantities of any plant – excess consumption of harmless plants like grass can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Consult your vet if you have any concerns.
- Hoya carnosa (Wax Plant) – this is a beautiful climbing/trailing plant that thrives in a bright indoor spot or outside under cover. Indian Rope and kerrii are also safe.
- Bromeliad (Vase Plant) – these striking foliage plants are easy to look after and have colourful flower spikes that last for ages. Enjoy bright indoor conditions
- Tillandsia (Air Plant) – these amazing plants live without soil, surviving on water and nutrients falling as rain. Loves bright, indirect light indoors and high humidity
- Asplenium australasicum (Bird’s Nest Fern) – a very stately and architectural fern from the Australian rainforest. Thrives indoors in moderate light or outdoors in shade
- Rhipsalis (Mistletoe Cactus) – there are dozens of varieties of mistletoe cactus with amazing leaf forms and growth habits. Perfect for hanging pots in bright light
- Howea forsteriana (Kentia Palm) – our number one indoor palm, this beauty from Lord Howe Island (does that make it native?) is tall growing and very adaptable
- Chamaedorea elegans (Parlour Palm) – need a pet-friendly plant for a dark corner of your room? This is the plant for you!
- Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) – these beautiful orchids are long flowering and easy to care for in a bright indoor position… and they’re totally pet friendly!
- Peperomia species – these attractive, small-growing indoor plants are cultivated for their interesting foliage and compact habit
- Haworthia and Gasteria – these succulents are perfect indoors and if your pet decides they are succulent to eat, they’ll live to tell the tale.
If you have cats, it’s very important to avoid any of the lilies – these are extremely toxic to cats and even the smallest amount can have disastrous effects. Stick to our Top 10 for happy kitties and puppies!